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The opening ceremony of the first international congress of Hazrat Ali bin Muhammad Baqir was held

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The opening ceremony of the first international congress of Hazrat Ali bin Muhammad Baqir was held

The opening of the first international congress of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir was held in the presence of the head of the judiciary and a group of military and country officials at her holy shrine in Mashhad, Ardahal, Kashan.

The opening of the first international congress of Hazrat Ali Ibn Imam Muhammad Baqir was held this morning, Wednesday, December 20, at the holy threshold of his Hazrat in Mashhad, Ardahal, Kashan, with the presence of various classes of people, professors, activists, researchers, a group of military and national officials, students and clerics. 

Ayatollah Nourihamdani stated: I would have liked to attend the congress
At the beginning of this ceremony, Imam Juma of Kashan read the message of His Highness, Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamdani on the occasion of holding this congress.
In a part of this message, it is stated: Throughout history, the Kashan area has had special characteristics and has been the place of movement of people belonging to the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). In addition, due to the presence of great scholars, the people of this region have been more familiar with the infallible saints "peace be upon them". Among the descendants of the noble Imams is Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him), who is noted in our historical sources and by some elders, including Sheikh Mofid and Sahib Riaz, the late Tabarsi, Qazi Noorullah Shushtri; The owner of Al-Junat and the late Sheikh Abbas Qomi have been mentioned with greatness. On this basis, it is very necessary to honor this great person, the authorities should try to introduce this great personality and that holy place will also become a cultural hub in the region. The establishment or expansion of a seminary is also necessary and necessary next to that noble one.

Explaining the actions of the Secretariat of the First Congress of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir
In another part of this ceremony, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Rajabi Devani; The scientific secretary of Hazrat Ali Ibn Baqir International Congress, explaining the actions of the secretariat of the first congress of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir, designing the management system of articles and scientific works of the congress, planning for holding specialized meetings of the congress in universities and scientific centers inside and outside the country, holding specialized pre-meetings. Islamic architecture and arts in the blessed region with an emphasis on the architecture of Imamzadeh Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir at the Iranian Studies Foundation, holding a specialized scientific conference at Imam Kazem University in Baghdad and taking action in the direction of writing a comprehensive book of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir and collecting, reviving and republishing related scientific works With that, His Holiness declared it among the most important actions of the Congress Secretariat by the researchers and those interested in this field.
In the continuation of this ceremony, Ahmad Babaei; The religious poet of our country recited poems describing Hazrat Ali bin Muhammad Baqir.

We must introduce Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir to the world
Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen, Seyyed Zaheer Al-Hassan Naqvi; In this ceremony, the Pakistani missionary living in California, referring to the position and dignity of Hazrat Sultan Ali Ibn Imam Mohammad Baqir and the anonymity of Hazrat Ali Ibn Baqir throughout the world, said: Unfortunately, many people, travelers and tourists do not know about the existence of this Imamzadeh in Kashan and simply They travel to Kashan to take advantage of the good weather in the region, so this Imamzadeh does not have many pilgrims, which should be corrected.
Stating that many Shiites outside of Iran do not know about the existence of this imamzadeh, Naqvi said: Imamzadeh of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir should be introduced to the pilgrims who come from abroad to visit the shrines of Imam Reza and Hazrat Masoumeh. And the guardians of this threshold, we want the affairs of this imamzadeh to be taken care of so that we can introduce the holy existence of Hazrat Ali Ibn Baqir to the world.
In another part of his speech, the Pakistani missionary living in California mentioned the Iraqi ceremony on the day of Ashura: Seyyed Saleh Qazvini, 330 years ago, while reciting the recitation, suddenly left the recitation and went to Karbala on a horse; After his return, he was asked about this and Seyyed Saleh said: "I heard the voice of "Hal Man Nasser Yansoorani" while reciting the Maktal and went to Karbala." On this basis, the mourners present in Karbala every year on the day of Ashura run towards the holy shrine of Imam Hussain after noon prayer.
He stated that one of the scholars stated that the reason for running towards the shrine of Imam Hussain was Imam Zaman's running towards the shrine of Seyyed al-Shahda, and added: If half of the companions of Imamzadeh Ali Ibn Baqir were in Karbala, Hazrat Zainab would not have had the courage.
Even the religion of Ardahal carpet washers is unknown
In another part of his speech, the Pakistani missionary living in California said, referring to the carpet washing ceremony of Ardahal: After arriving in Kashan and during the ceremony, I saw a video of the Muharram ritual of the people of the region, which impressed me a lot; In this ceremony, which is performed with wood, people implicitly and ritually say that our ancestors came, but they arrived late, otherwise this imamzadeh would not have been martyred. Unfortunately, many people do not even know the philosophy of this carpet cleaning ceremony; That's why I request the shrine management to introduce this imamzadeh and this ceremony to all people.
He stated that Imamzadeh of Ali Ibn Baqir is not specific to this region and belongs to all Shiites of the world, adding: This Imamzadeh is a window of God's mercy and try to make his character, dignity and blessed existence known worldwide.

Ali Ibn Mohammad Baqir (AS) came to Iran to save the people from the "plague of doubt".
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Mohseni Ajei, head of the judiciary, also in this congress, referring to the high and noble status of Hazrat Ali Ibn Imam Muhammad Baqir, said: Today, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali Ibn Imam Muhammad Baqir, we have come to the Mashhad of that martyr in Mashhad, Ardahal, Kashan, to be in the presence of the holy people. Innocents, we offer that we will remain steadfast in the path of Islam and Islamic values until the end of our lives and the last drop of our blood.
Explaining the life and actions of Mujahideen "Ambassador Martyr" Hazrat Ali Ibn Imam Muhammad Baqir, the head of the judicial system said: In an era when the tyrant of time was busy with oppression and creating deviation and corruption and instilling doubts, the people of this region of Islamic Iran for the proof of God and the Imam His time, Imam Muhammad Baqir, sent a message that you, son of the Messenger of Allah, send an ambassador to save us, guide us, and provide us with good fortune during the reign of the Taghut, and Imam Muhammad Baqir sent his son, Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Al-Baqir, to this important mission.
He continued: This action of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir was from the point of view that in this region, in that era of Golan Taghut, there was a need for a person with penetrating words and existential light to guide and guide the people and protect them from disasters caused by doubts and poisonous suggestions. be; Of course, the fact that the Imam sent his son to this mission also shows the merit of the people of this region.
While referring to the sacrifices that have been made over the centuries for the victory of the front of truth and pure Islam, the head of the judiciary said: We, the agents of the system, are sitting on seats for which pure blood has been shed on the ground for the sake of justice and the defeat of falsehood. So, woe to us if we want to abuse our positions for our own sake or for a political movement and faction! Woe to us if we care less about people and Islamic values in these serious responsibilities that we bear!
Mohseni Ajeei emphasized: We hope that Imamzadehs, Astans, and Blessed Beqaa in Islamic Iran will become cultural hubs as soon as possible and will not be just places for pilgrimage and pilgrimage, but will become bases for spreading pure Islam and creating unity as much as possible.
Recitation of Mehdi Rasouli's fast
In another part of the first congress of Hazrat Ali Ibn Muhammad Baqir, Mehdi Rasouli gave a eulogy and mention of the sufferings of the Ahl al-Bayt and the anniversary of the martyrdom of this revered imam.
Why was the supreme leader of the Kashan revolution called Makram city?
In the continuation of the Hojjat-ul-Islam ceremony, Seyed Saeed Hosseini; While offering condolences on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imamzadeh Ali Ibn Mohammad Baqir, the representative of the religious leader in Kashan said: Isfahan province is the place where 360 martyrs were buried in one day, and Kashan region has offered three thousand martyrs to the holy system of the Islamic Republic.
Hosseini, while pointing to the characteristics of the martyrs and the families of the martyrs of Kashan city, added: The supreme leader of the revolution called Kashan the holy city, and one of the reasons for this naming is the existence of the people of Kashan, because Imam Muhammad Baqir honored the people by sending his son to this area.
Stating that security is one of the pillars of the Islamic government and this is one of the blessings of the holy system of the Islamic Republic, the representative of Wali Faqih in Kashan said: The judicial system of Kashan needs to be strengthened in terms of quantity, and we hope that this issue will be considered by the head of the judiciary and strengthened. and the necessary support is provided.
Hojjatul Islam Gholamhossein Mohseni Ajaei; The head of the Judiciary is the guest and special speaker of the first international congress, Hazrat Ali Ibn Baqir, and Dr. Rajabi Devani; The secretary of the scientific committee of this international congress and some others also spoke in the program.
The performance of the Amaran Engleba song group, the reading of Ayatollah Nouri Hamdani's message, the speech of Dr. Rajabi Devani; The Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress, Hazrat Ali Ibn Baqir, the eulogy of Haj Mehdi Rasouli, one of the eulogists of Ahl al-Bayt Asmat and Purity, and the unveiling of the stamp of this international congress were among the programs of this ceremony.

